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My majestic baby boy

Benjamin is gravely ill. He probably had a kidney issue developing prior to the amputation, but with his feral diet and being so strong and active, it was a slow burner. The vet said he is midway between acute and chronic kidney disease which suggests some trauma historically could have started it or it could have been developing over time without a trigger.

After several nights on IV fluids in the hospital, and trying medications to help, it is clear Benjamin is not going to recover and he is worsening every day.

Today he could barely use his litter box,Β  collapsed in it, and is now asleep in his bed un-groomed and exhausted.

We have an appointment at 3pm to see the vet and it is clear that the absolute best thing for Benjamin is to be at peace.

He hates being incapable, he hates being unclean. He is sleeping, not eating, barely able to walk a few steps, and he is definitely not happy in any sense of the word.

Even stroking or cuddling him causes him distress and discomfort.

This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, because I value life above all else, but I know in my heart that keeping Benjamin like this another day is cruel.

I love him so much. Only 6 years old.

I got an extra 4 months with him though- the incident that led to his amputation could have killed him but I got to have my baby for 4 loving and cuddly months.


I love you my baby boy

8 thoughts on “My majestic baby boy”

  1. I’m so sad to read this update, and so sorry for this turn of events. The best gift we can give our pets is a good life and then finally a good death. Putting his needs above your own heartbreak is the most amazing and selfless thing any pet parent can do. He is so well loved.

  2. My heart breaks for you. I’m just so very, very sorry for this nasty turn of events.
    And yes, you are giving him the gift of release that he is welcoming.
    To thinkmhow all this unfolded….how he became the most precious snuggly Lap kitty for you and uour son is just so very special.
    He gets to leave his earth clothes that no longer serve him. But he gets to leave knowing what love feels like. He gets to leave having the best four mo ths many kitties ever get to have in a lifetime!
    I did go back and catch up on some of the posts I missed and got to see how very loved he is….how very loved all upur pack os. Including “Fifi” the dog who thinks he’s a cat.
    I loved looking at all the pictures. I do believe sweet Benji mattered the art of posing for the camera and clearly the camera loved him.
    Of all his nicknames, I think “Fat Feet” was the cutest.
    Thank you for bringing Benjamin into your heart and hone. Thank you for giving him the care he NEVER would have ever received in his “feral” days. Yes, clearly his latest health issue may have been long standing and undetected or whatever. What does matter is you continuously gave him the best life he could ever have hoped for. And now that he has shown you that you have tried everything to battle this latest u forgivable hurdle, he is ready for his transition, so very ready. He was just wait to experience love, and now that he has received that, he is ready to move on as a Protective Guardian for you and your son. Look for signs. He’ll show you he’s still with you.
    Sending you love and may Benjamin’s eternal light always shine brightly in your heartπŸ’–
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. Oh no, we are gutted to read this. I was hoping no news was good news. I’m so sorry! There are never words for a time like this! We know your heart is shattered beyond words & devasted! I’m glad you both had 4 beautiful bonus months together.

    Benjamin is lucky to have you. Putting his needs first is the most selfless gift we can give our furmily members. That does not make this part any easier!

    Run free, Sweet Benjamin; come see your Mum and let her know you are whole and pain-free; show her your new shiny wings, ok buddy.

    You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!
    Our deepest condolences!
    Holly & Purrkins

    (I do hope you see this comment, I posted 2 times in the last blog post it’s still awaiting moderation) they may be in your spam folder.

    Please know you have been in our thoughts, and again so very sorry for your loss, Majestic Benjamina!πŸ’«

    1. I’m so sorry I’m not great with how it all works

      I held Benjamin as he went to sleep around 3.30pm today and my heart is breaking

      Thank you for your lovely kind words πŸ€ŽπŸ€πŸ’›

  4. We’re still here with you. He was so ready and I know being surrounded by your love and blessing to run free made the transition peaceful one for him. He could not habe been more lovedπŸ’– As unbearably hard as this is for you right now, without a doubt Benjamin knew what he was doing on a Soul level when he “connected” with you. The missing part in his Soul to make his earth mission complete was to be loved. Mission accomplished.β™₯️

  5. Oh noooo! My heart broke when I saw this sad news, I’m so very sorry. Benjamin was not with us very log and that is just heartbreaking. In that short amount of time we have completely fallen in love with him. You were an amazing parent, and did everything you could for him right up until his last breath. He left his broken body knowing that he was treasured. And now in eternity, the loving spirit that surrounds him will surround your broken heart to help it heal. Watch for signs, he is always closeby.

    Please know we are keeping you in our hearts and thoughts.

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